Galerie Nadja Vilenne
Galerie Nadja Vilenne

Address : 5, rue Commandant Marchand   
4000 Liège
Website : 
Email :
Phone:  + 00.32.(0)


Gallery Presentation

Established in Liège (Belgium) in November 1998, the Nadja Vilenne gallery promotes the work of around twenty established and emerging artists, both Belgian and foreign, in a dimension of close proximity to its artists. It conducts fundamental research into artists with established careers (Jacqueline Mesmaeker, Jacques Lizène, Werner Cuvelier, John Murphy, etc.), accompanies artists with international careers (Suchan Kinoshita, Aglaia Konrad, Olivier Foulon, Michiel Ceulers, etc.) and contributes to the development of young artists (Loïc Moons, Gaetane Verbruggen, Sandrine Morgante, etc.). Since its creation, it has taken part in a number of fairs and shows, has an editorial policy and initiates off-site projects. Anchored in the conceptual and poetic dimensions of art, the gallery is open to all forms of production, including installations, painting, sculpture, drawing and video.



FOCUS : Lizène

Technical : Encre sur papier
Dimension : 29 x 21 cm
Courtesy : Jacques Lizène
Date Of Work : 1992


Technical : technique mixte sur papier
Dimension : 100 x 75 cm
Courtesy : Sandrine Morgante
Date Of Work : 2024


Technical : Fusain acrylique papier coreen
Dimension : 150 x 210 cm
Courtesy : Valérie Sonnier
Date Of Work : 2024