FOCUS : Maxime
Maxime Rossi's work is characterized by diverse techniques and themes, often blending sarcasm with a questioning of meaning. Drawing on art history, pop culture, comics, and music, he collaborates with a variety of experts. For Drawing Now, we present a revisitation of Rossi's 2012 project, in which Chopin's scores, placed under trees at the Père Lachaise cemetery, are stained by wind-blown markers, creating chance variations. This project, influenced by the manga Boku no Chopin, explores the friendship between Chopin and Franz Liszt.
Maxime Rossi's work is characterized by diverse techniques and themes, often blending sarcasm with a questioning of meaning. Drawing on art history, pop culture, comics, and music, he collaborates with a variety of experts. For Drawing Now, we present a revisitation of Rossi's 2012 project, in which Chopin's scores, placed under trees at the Père Lachaise cemetery, are stained by wind-blown markers, creating chance variations. This project, influenced by the manga Boku no Chopin, explores the friendship between Chopin and Franz Liszt.
Maxime Rossi's work is characterized by diverse techniques and themes, often blending sarcasm with a questioning of meaning. Drawing on art history, pop culture, comics, and music, he collaborates with a variety of experts. For Drawing Now, we present a revisitation of Rossi's 2012 project, in which Chopin's scores, placed under trees at the Père Lachaise cemetery, are stained by wind-blown markers, creating chance variations. This project, influenced by the manga Boku no Chopin, explores the friendship between Chopin and Franz Liszt.
Maxime Rossi's work is characterized by diverse techniques and themes, often blending sarcasm with a questioning of meaning. Drawing on art history, pop culture, comics, and music, he collaborates with a variety of experts. For Drawing Now, we present a revisitation of Rossi's 2012 project, in which Chopin's scores, placed under trees at the Père Lachaise cemetery, are stained by wind-blown markers, creating chance variations. This project, influenced by the manga Boku no Chopin, explores the friendship between Chopin and Franz Liszt.
Maxime Rossi's work is characterized by diverse techniques and themes, often blending sarcasm with a questioning of meaning. Drawing on art history, pop culture, comics, and music, he collaborates with a variety of experts. For Drawing Now, we present a revisitation of Rossi's 2012 project, in which Chopin's scores, placed under trees at the Père Lachaise cemetery, are stained by wind-blown markers, creating chance variations. This project, influenced by the manga Boku no Chopin, explores the friendship between Chopin and Franz Liszt.
Luca Gioacchino